This is completely awesome!
I am a Blogger ... which is a project I've been meaning to get to for quite some time. Finally! I thought I'd keep my blog simple in design for now. I doubt this will last long since I have a compulsion with type faces, layout and design. And I'm sure in no time I can officially call myself a Blogaholic.
Since most of us have this unexplainable addiction and love for miniatures, this is a great place for me to share this art form where I speak most clearly. We all seem to have this common bond. I call it: The Endless Pursuit of Beauty. We are all visionaries and collectors at heart. We all gather these bits of beauty & treasures... and it makes me so happy. I've said many times it is just as easy to lose oneself in a little thing as in a big thing.
Blogging will allow you to "see" me ... how I come up with ideas, how they change, grow and I won't leave out the paint in my hair and the many times I've ended up gluing myself to a miniature piece! It's just as important that you see my mistakes and how sometimes things DO end up in the "circular file" LOL (the trash can). So I'm really excited to share a little more of my personal life, my travels, my home, my studio, and getting into the nitty gritty of my work.
I hope that all who visit my blog will have some laughs, we'll have some fun, and delight in these little things I love to share. Love and Hugs M